Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Wear Red on Friday!

This Friday, February 1st is National Wear Red Day, sponsored by the American Heart Association ( This effort is designed to remind us that heart disease is still the #1 killer of women. If we learned anything in the last century, we have learned that how we live and what we eat influences our risk for heart disease.

There is one nutrient that undeniably improves heart health and reduces risk for heart disease. It is a nutrient that we need every day and most of us are not getting enough (primarily because our current food supply is inadequate). That nutrient is the Omega-3 fats found in fish oil.

Omega-3s from fish oil have been shown to improve overall mortality (better than statin drugs), reduce triglycerides, normalize blood pressure, improve vascular function (blood vessels), improve overall circulation, reduce inflammation and inflammatory markers, improve immune function, reduce risk of stroke, normalize heart rate and important, if not most important, reduce risk for sudden death. EPA and DHA, the beneficial omega-3s in fish oil, have been proven useful in both the prevention and treatment of heart disease. For more research on any of this, please contact me.

Women who have diabetes have a greater risk for heart disease and clearly benefit from consuming more omega-3s. There are several studies on this, find one here:

Women with more DHA in their blood have less plaque build-up. A study here:

And finally, if someone is on hormone replacement therapy or not, omega-3s can reduce a woman’s risk for heart disease:

How we live is as important as how long we live; fish oil improves quality of life as we age. Research findings support this, as well.

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